
Reaple welcomes Filipino IT engineers

IT outsourcing has is one of the most prominent and widely used forms of outsourcing. It is the process of hiring resources outside the organization to handle information technology functions. They opt to outsource data storage because it is cheaper to contract than buy and maintain their own data storage devices and facilities. Philippines and India are forerunners when it comes to IT outsourcing. They are two of the top outsourcing destinations in Asia

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Philippine BPO Fees: Which One Is Better?

The Philippines is one of the world’s leading outsourcing destination. In the past years it has become the preferred outsourcing destination, especially for customer support and back office services. The country appeals more to international investors because of their low rates and quality service. This has created millions of available jobs all over the country including the island of Mindanao. However, there is still no perfect formula on how to choose the right outsourcing partner especially in terms of rates. Many still struggle to choose what is more compatible and real cost-efficient

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BPO Sector Rises Against COVID-19

The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) admitted that the pandemic has severely affected the economy with its adverse effects. However, the Department of Finance (DOF) is seeing a gradual and phased recovery. This is as business operations are back after the long quarantine periods and a recently conducted two-week lockdown. Fears for a new surge in the COVID-19 patients were also expressed by the University of the Philippines ' academic sector as they see this as a premature easement. To manage these fears within the workplace, a set of guidelines was then released to ease worries

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Great Teams To Help You Successfully Navigate The New Normal

Businesses are at a halt as the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world. Some had to lay-off employees and resort to the work from home options. Some had to fully close after years and years of business. As the world’s economy recover businesses are also starting to gear up into welcoming the new normal. However, many business owners, especially those in the small, medium, and large scales find it hard to recover. Thankfully, there are solutions available to you and your needs

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Philippine Economy to Rise Amid Pandemic

The Philippine IT- business process management (IT-BPM) industry was not expected to thrive due to the strict lockdown guidelines implemented for more than two months. The sector is now seeing a ray of hope as companies here and abroad turn to outsource and offshoring to cut costs during this pandemic. A multinational BPO company with 21 sites in the Philippines expected slow growth with less man-power and slow production. However, they saw this as an opportunity to offer more services as the global financial crisis created a way to outsource non-core functions

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Digital Cities in PH to Rise

A Digital city 2025 program was launched online by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP), and Leechiu Property Consultants, Inc. (LPC) in hopes to redirect opportunities towards the countryside. The government identified 25 new cities for outsourcing development in hopes to attract an estimate of 70 billion investment for the next few years

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Overcoming the pandemic: outsourcing your billing services

Most of us might think that businesses that are concerned with healthcare are on top of their game but, that’s not entirely true. Many healthcare services had gone out of business or are still struggling through several financial losses. However, all problems have a solution. The year has helped healthcare companies by outsourcing their billing services

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Filipinos on Working from Home

Companies all over the world have opted to adapt work from home measures to keep businesses as the government strictly enforced guidelines on social distancing. Giant companies such as Amazon and Microsoft have allowed their employees to work remotely until October. Google has extended its work from home policy until the end of the year

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More Jobs for PH BPO

As the different parts of the world faced recession during the start of this pandemic, businesses are prompted to outsource work to lessen costs and still maintain production and business. With this, the Philippine industry leaders are expecting to obtain offshore jobs. This is through the aid of the business- process outsourcing (BPO) firms and how its local sector thrived in the face of a pandemic

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NextBPO Solutions At 11: Riding the Storm

“We Build Great Teams” has been the motto of a home-grown outsourcing company in Davao City. Next BPO Solutions has been serving domestic and foreign clients for 11 years since it was founded in July 2009. The company started as a partnership with a Canadian firm that wanted to build a team in the Philippines; initially starting with seven employees. During early 2011, the funding partner decided to discontinue business making the company decide whether to continue operations. However, they decided to face the challenges and continue with a fresh start. From renting a small office they are now occupying 4 of the 5-office floors in the ACC Building in Quimpo Blvd. In Ecoland, Matina, Davao City

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What to Expect in the Workplace

Over the past three months, companies have made efforts to smoothly transition to remote work arrangements while keeping the company afloat during the still prevailing pandemic. Now, as things slowly get better, businesses and companies prepare to bring their people back to the office. They are implementing plans on how employees will maintain social distancing and sanitation in the office. They also need to adjust to what is now known as “the new normal” and keep themselves healthy. Here are some changes in companies that us workers have to look out for

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The New Generation Workers

Millions of students graduate from different colleges around the world every year. They are then sent off to work and help boost their country’s economy, producing certain sets of professionals over time. We call these sets as generations. During the lockdown for this coronavirus pandemic, a new generation has come to light. This was according to an article by Shaakun Khanna as he stated the rise of “Generation R”. a new set of workers that have successfully adapted to the changes bought by the sudden changes of times

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Remote Interview Guide

The world is slowly recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Cases are slowly going down for different countries and they are lifting strict quarantine protocols. The economy is also slowly recovering as businesses start to reopen and employees go back to offices. However, no matter what we do, things will not go back to the normal that we used to know. More and more companies are resorting to remote work and digitalization even with the good news. The “new normal” is distancing and less physical contact. If you are looking to start a career or shift to a new one, here are some tips to prepare you for a remote job interview

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On Mental Health

Taking care of our overall health has always been a priority even before the COVID-19 pandemic. We exercise, eat healthy foods, and live healthily. However, our concerns should not only focus on the physical aspect. Mental health has been a concern during this lockdown while we are isolated and/or separated from our family and peers. It reminds us that we are all vulnerable to mental health diseases as we are vulnerable to the coronavirus

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Welcome To The New Normal

Face to face communication was one of the fastest and most efficient ways of communicating. This was just before the world was forced to stay away from each other and lock themselves at home. Businesses and other companies had to either close or find an alternative working system. Thus, giving birth to “the new normal”. However, there are many other considerations before doing such. Remote work is not the same as working in the office. Many had feared that the natural exchange of information – formal or informal will be lost. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Finally deciding to resort to remote work and trust in online meetings

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Welcome to the New Normal - Part I: The System

Meetings and collaborations are directly correlating with each other. Collaboration can be defined in too many ways. For today’s technology natives and internet users, it might mean differently. An online communication setup allows people to work on the same project even if they are not in the same location or time-zone. It enables a group of people to work together regardless of geography to achieve the same goal. The members of the collaborating group use specific collaboration software to easily communicate, cooperate, share, and negotiate

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Welcome to the New Normal - Part II: Relationships

Relationships are a vital part of organizations. It defines how well members are oriented and how they see and value each other. This is more important when it comes to teams and team meetings. For a team to be successful, it needs its team members to be relational and build a healthy relationship. The more robust the relationship is, the more the team will operate. It is the glue that keeps the team together. That why it is equally important for us to study and evaluate how relationships will change and grow during online meetings

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Welcome to the New Normal- Part III: The Meeting

Most of us have participated in countless meetings. There were times we spent seated on our desk or discussion rooms having meetings all day. It is an important part of the exchange of needed information, discussion, and the formulation of the solution and/or closing of a deal. This is almost the same in online meetings. However, there is a little more that we must consider in conducting them. For those that are not used to meeting online, the predictable structure and content of regular meeting can provide a safe space to get used to conversing online

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Welcome to the New Normal - Part IV: Preparing You

There will be no meeting without people. You are the blocks that let the meeting stand. However, most of the time, we value the meeting as unessential. Without realizing that they cultivate better office relationships and decision-making process. As the building block, we too have to be prepared and equipped throughout. To accomplish the best, you also need to be your best self

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Welcome to the New Normal - Part V: Follow Through

Meetings do not end in rooms or on screens. The agendas and all the things that were tackled will be well carried through after. We have all left a meeting feeling confident about how everything went. Yet, we later wonder why so little happened. There are a few reasons why productive conversations go nowhere. To make sure productivity does not slow down you have to make sure that follow-ups are made

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Service in the Midst of the Pandemic

The world was changed overnight since the coronavirus pandemic. People panicked and felt a whirlwind of emotions. The government ordered people to stay strictly at home. Establishments had to close or change the working hours for the safety of their workers. Offices had to find an alternative working system to keep the company going. Among these companies are linked in business process outsourcing (BPO). They are now being dubbed as “secret frontliners” as they continue to work tirelessly during this crisis. A BPO company in Davao City continues to operate to provide quality service inside and outside the Philippines

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Being Visible even from Home

The ongoing pandemic is a blow to all and the busy sectors of society in all parts of the globe. It led businesses to think of efficient ways of being able to operate without sacrificing their brand or performance. With the help of technology and the availability of facilities, a worker could still be able to boost their performance and contribute to the company’s goal. However, this is not easy for some. Performing work amidst this crisis can be a challenge. Especially if one has the goal of achieving the best results. Here are some ways to stay active while performing from home

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The Need for a Recovery Plan

The year has been extremely challenging because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic threatening the lives of people all over the world. In just months, it has brought changes in the global economy. Affecting industries such as air travel, tourism, retail, manufacturing, and more. Governments are aiding them through wage subsidies and working capital loans. However, companies are still compelled to navigate through this crisis. Making tough and tricky decisions that may impact the company today and in the long run. Giving leaders the perfect opportunity and the need to set up a recovery plan. To help shape up their business and make it more resilient in the coming years

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The Impact of Coronavirus in Businesses

The rapid outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic shook different sectors of society globally. Besides its biggest victim, human health, businesses also suffered. They were not prepared for the abrupt and drastic changes they had to undertake. Just to be able to fit into the new model of normal. As they have different core competencies, but the areas of impact were almost the same

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Adjusting to the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused so many changes in the lives of people all over the world. It has disrupted daily routines, work, business, and school. Changes that happened almost rapidly and abruptly. Causing panic and worries to people who were most scared about the unknown. However, it is not what we need right now. In times of change, individuals and organizations must have the ability to learn and adapt. Here are some tips in adjusting to the new normal in some areas of your life

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How is Davao City Combating COVID -19

Davao City has been dubbed as the round-zero of the coronavirus for Mindanao. It is because of the massive spread of the virus due to a cockfight derby tournament held just before the city announced its general community quarantine. After then, Davao Region has a total of 97 positive cases. Other cases in several parts of Mindanao were traced back to the derby incident. With this number, how is Davao City combating the spread of the virus?

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Debunking Remote Work Myths

Remote work is the only available work scheme as the world fights off the CoVid 19 pandemic. However, most companies are still skeptical about whether to try this scheme. This is because of some preconceived myths that follow. That is why we have debunked some of the most common misconceptions regarding remote work

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The New Normal

For centuries people have been working from office spaces in large buildings surrounded by workmates. Thus, popularizing the phrase “going to the office” instead of work. Currently, almost half of the world workforce is pushed to work out of the office and into their homes. Due to the pandemic that prevented face to face contact. Creating what seemed to be a work option to become the new normal work condition. Making remote working as one of the work trends over this year. With, remote productivity tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom continue to rapidly grow in engagements. Being some of the available online working space

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The Secret Frontliners

The world is under this spreading pandemic called Coronavirus (CoVid-19). Taking each city and continent, together with its fearful citizens, slowly and all at once. Different preventive measures are being arranged for everybody’s safety and protection. Being first of its kind, every measure and measure we take continues to be a work in progress. Medical practitioners together with the government and our men and women in uniform are at the forefront. Treating patients, making sure that rations are delivered, and maintaining security during this threat. However, people are working in closed doors keeping tasks and services readily available

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Identifying and Cutting the Biggest Cost For Your Business

Managing a business, small, medium or large is not easy. A lot of processes and expenses should be taken into consideration. There are legalities to consider and the things that you’ll need to run the business itself. Basics business research will cost you and you are doing all of this within a specified budget. Even before you start your business you will start to spend. The most common business expenses for small and medium enterprises include equipment, rent or mortgage, office utilities, marketing and advertising, repair and maintenance, and employee wages and benefits.

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Outsourcing – What It Is and What It Is Not

Outsourcing, as defined, is paying another person or company to do something for you that you could have done by you or your staff. It has been a business strategy for as long as 100 B.C.E. with the Romans but, was only formally identified until 1989. The need for external suppliers for services at that time was the baseline stage in the evolution of outsourcing. In the 1990’s organizations geared into cost-saving options by farming out functions necessary to run a company. However, these functions were not related to the core of the business. They began to contract service companies to deliver accounting, human resources, data processing, internal mail distribution, security, and plant maintenance.

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To Outsource or Not?

A common notion about the outsourcing industry is that it is only limited to telemarketing and customer support. But, there are many types of roles that can be outsourced. Outsourcing, by definition, is paying another person or company to do a certain task or business process for a specific period. Almost anything can be outsourced for as long as you have the means and the right outsourcing firm or person to partner with. For outsourcing beginners, you ought to know the basics.  It is essential to understand the very nature of outsourcing.

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Outsourcing Checklist

Here’s a checklist when you have finally decide to outsource

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The Benefits of Outsourcing to the Philippines

The business outsourcing industry in the Philippines has grown annually since 2006. As of last year, there are currently 788 large and SME’s business processing and outsourcing companies in all parts of the country including in Mindanao. It holds a large portion of the global outsourcing market due to its English proficient workers. They also hold giant multinational clients in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. These are just some reasons why most choose to offshore in the country. Cutting labor costs optimize the business process and increasing the revenue are other reasons to contract in the Philippines.

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What Sets Philippines Apart Among Other Outsourcing Destinations

Asia has been one of the prominent offshore outsourcing destinations in the world. Among the three of the most promising and outsourcing friendly countries are – India, the Philippines, and Pakistan. The history of India as an outsourcing destination started in the early 1990s, if not, the latter half the 1980’s. The Philippines had its significant start in 1992 when a big US-based client decided to invest in the country. It is known that India, among the three, has a competitive advantage. They have been in the outsourcing industry for over 3 decades now.  India also caters to different types of services from global clients irrespective of the volume. However, in 2010, the Philippines was named the BPO capital of the world. It overtook India in the voice service sector.  Pakistan is not also very far behind as it is starting to pick up its pace.

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